
The Bristol Bikefest is supported by the following:

Fenwick’s has always been about creating innovative, simple and effective solutions for consumers to solve everyday problems.

We are outdoor enthusiasts and take a very positive attitude towards product development, encompassing both our customers’, and our own impact on the environment.

Cycling for us is all about the adventure, freedom and the unknown.

The excitement, the adrenaline, the achievement that cycling gives, is unlike any other sport.

The variety of cycling fuels our passion for ‘Great rides…

It is without a doubt a privilege for us to become involved in such a great riding format and wish I could be riding it, instead of working at it!

Come and say “Hello” and get some great tips on setup and maintenance.

Visit www.fenwicks.info online.

Bristol Beer Factory started life in 2004 brewing just a few standard cask-conditioned ales in a vibrant part of South Bristol.

We soon realised that there is so much more to brewing and many more styles of beer we want to try and so we have developed our production to offer a range of different regular bottled ales, cask ales and a variety of interesting specials throughout the year.

We are not afraid to try something new and the company has a firm belief that all the great ideas are already within the walls of the brewery – it’s just a matter of extracting them out of the team within.

It really is all about the beer.  We love what we do, we love to drink it and we love to experiment.  We are proud to be part of the current ‘craft beer revolution’ and will do our utmost to persuade, convince and tell everyone we meet what they should be drinking.

Visit www.bristolbeerfactory.co.uk online.


RideGuards are designed, tested and made in Bristol, UK.

With over 20 years designing for some of the worlds best-loved bike brands,  combined with our passion for bikes, design and local manufacturing led us to create RideGuard mudguards. We’ve used multiple guards for all sorts of riding over the years, and we felt we could make improvements. Our guards are designed, tested and made in Bristol, a city with a well-established cycling tradition. One that gives us access to a variety of athletes, riding applications to test our guards, and ensure they’ll work anywhere in the world.

We’re passionate about keeping things local and making our products as eco-friendly as possible. RideGuards are manufactured from recycled industrial waste, don’t require any extra packaging, and with added features like the Sag Setter on the PF1 guards, we’re making the most of every last piece of material.

Visit www.rideguard.co.uk online.

For more information regarding our products email – info@RideGuard.co.uk


CarbonCycles make the highest quality carbon fibre bicycle components. Their design and manufacturing processes are truly innovative & components perfectly balance lightweight & strength.

Visit carboncycles.cc online

Disco Brakes put the style in stopping! Their range of top quality, low-cost brake pads, hoses, cables, adapters and rotors offer incredible performance that can be delivered quickly to your door without breaking the bank.

Visit discobrakes.com online